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Complete Case details are given below :
Case Name : HTC Corp. in 2012
Authors : David B. Yoffie, Juan Alcacer, Renee Kim
Discipline : Strategy
Case Length : 25 pages
Solution sample availability : YES
Plagiarism : NO (100% Original work)
Description for case is given below :
After 15 years of remarkable achievements, Taiwan-based HTC Corp. faced difficult times by 2012. CEO Peter Chou, who drove HTC's transformation from an unknown manufacturer of PDAs for other companies to a well-known global player in smartphones, faced an uncertain and complex environment. Apple's lead in the smartphone and tablet markets, the acquisition of Motorola by Google, the Microsoft-Nokia alliance, the rise of Samsung, and the extensive patent wars - each raised questions about how HTC could continue its upward trajectory. In a rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive market, what would a sustainable differentiation strategy look like for HTC? How could HTC, a historically innovative company, compete in the tablet market? And how could it weather - and mitigate - the patent wars?
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