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Complete Case details are given below :
Case Name : Johnson & Johnson: The Promotion of Wellness
Authors : John A. Quelch, Carin-Isabel Knoop
Discipline : Marketing
Case Length : 23 pages
Solution sample availability : YES
Plagiarism : NO (100% Original work)
Description for case is given below :
To create the world's healthiest workforce, diversified health care giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J) mandated participation in its "Culture of Health" program globally, customized by location, culture, and specific health needs to offer prevention-focused education, rewards for healthy behavior, and workplace environments that encouraged healthy employee behavior. By 2015, 90% of J&J's 128,000 employees would participate in Culture of Health programs; 80% would know their key health indicators (e.g., blood pressure, body-mass index, blood sugar, cholesterol); and 80% would have a "low risk" health profile. To hit these goals, J&J managers in 2014 sought to: 1) reduce national variation in program adoption and popularity, 2) do more to help employees ensure their overall-physical, mental, and spiritual-health, and 3) accurately measure the investments in and return on the program.
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