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Complete Case details are given below :

Case Name :      LinkedIn Corporation, 2012
Authors :           David B. Yoffie, Liz Kind
Discipline :        Strategy
Case Length :    22 pages
Solution sample availability : YES
Plagiarism : NO (100% Original work)

Description for case is given below :
Since its inception in 2003, LinkedIn had become a leading Silicon Valley institution with a brand name that was recognizable throughout the U.S. and in many countries overseas. As of March 2012, LinkedIn was the world's largest professional network on the Internet with $522.2 million in revenue in 2011 and more than 150 million members in over 200 countries. Unlike other major social networking sites, LinkedIn focused exclusively on fostering connections within the professional market. As LinedIn's CEO thought about the future, he recognized the challenges in continuing to massively scale the company. At the same time, he focused on how LinkedIn could continue to use its vast amount of data to provide additional products and services for its members and customers.

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