Our tutors are available 24/7 to assist in your academic stuff, Our Professional writers are ready to serve you in services you need. We do assist you in solving case for "NEWELL CO.: CORPORATE STRATEGY"
Complete Case details are given below :
Case Name : Newell Co.: Corporate Strategy
Authors : Cynthia A. Montgomery, Elizabeth J. Gordon
Discipline : Strategy
Case Length : 22 pages
Solution sample availability : YES
Plagiarism : NO (100% Original work)
Description for case is given below :
In 1998, Newell Co., a manufacturer of low-tech, high-volume consumer goods, acquired Calphalon Corp., a high-end cookware company, and Rubbermaid, a $2 billion manufacturer of consumer and commercial plastic products. The case focuses on Newell's strategy and its elaboration throughout the organization, as well as the importance of selecting appropriate acquisitions to grow the company. Do Calphalon and Rubbermaid fit with the company's long-term strategy of growth through acquisition and superior service to volume customers?
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