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Our tutors are available 24/7 to assist in your academic stuff, Our Professional writers are ready to serve you in services you need. We do assist you in solving case for "TIMKEN CO."

Complete Case details are given below :

Case Name :      Timken Co.
Authors :           Michael Hattersley
Discipline :        Organizational Behavior
Case Length :    11 pages
Solution sample availability : YES
Plagiarism : NO (100% Original work)

Description for case is given below :
Describes the efforts of the Timken Co., a major international producer of bearings and steel, to develop an effective employee communication program. The case examines the intense international competitive atmosphere, the recent record of job losses in related industries, Timken's extensive reorganization efforts, and the company's labor relations history insofar as these bear on the effort to formulate internal communications policy. Encourages students to analyze the essential elements of a communications decision: scope, structure, audience, goals, message, and media.

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